domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

707 - Order of Chaos

707 - Order of Chaos

Por Lucasmon: 09/10 16:05

Olá Manolos!

Saiu mais informações sobre o pack Order of Chaos:

707 - Order of Chaos 「オーダー・オブ・カオス」

Data de Lançamento: 19 de Novembro de 2011
Preço: 150 Yen (imposto incluso)

5 cartas por pack, 5 packs por box

Contém 80 cartas:
- 5 Ultra Rare Cards
- 9 Super Rare Cards
- 18 Rare Cards
- 44 Normal Cards
- 4 Normal Rare Cards

( As cartas Ultra Rare também estão presentes na forma Ultimate Rare e uma carta no set está avaliada na forma Holographic Rare.)

- Inclui uma mistura balanceada de cartas do anime (ZeXal) e de cartas originarias do OCG.
- A Cover Card é o "CNo. 39, Aspiring Emperor Hope Ray"

ORCS-JP003 Gagaga Girl 「ガガガガール」
DARK/Spellcaster - Effect/3/1000/800
Activate by selecting 1 face-up "Gagaga Magician" you control. The Level of this card becomes the same Level as the selected "Gagaga Magician". Also an Exceeds Monster gains the following effect, if this card and nothing but "Gagaga" Monster are used as Exceed Material Monster: ●When this Exceeds Summon is successfully, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 Special Summoned monster your opponent controls. The ATK of the selected monster becomes 0.

ORCS-JP004 Gogogo Giant 「ゴゴゴジャイアント」 Rare
EARTH/Rock - Effect/4/2000/0
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Gogogo" monster from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. Afterwards, change this card's Battle Position to Defense Position. Also, when this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase.

ORCS-JP005 Zexal Weapon - Unicorn King Spear 「ZW-一角獣皇槍(ゼアルウェポン-ユニコーンキングスピア)」 Rare
LIGHT/Beast - Effect/4/1900/0
You can equip this card treated as an Equip Card from your hand to a "CNo.39 Aspiring Emperor Hope Ray" you control. A Monster equipped with this card by this effect gains 1900 ATK. If the equipped monster battles with an opponent's monster, during the Battle Phase only, the effects of that opponent's monster are negated. There can only be 1 "Zexal Weapon - Unicorn King Spear" face-up on your field.

ORCS-JP013 Armored Ninja Flame 「機甲忍者フレイム」
FIRE/Warrior - Effect/4/1700/1000
When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned successfully, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 "Ninja" monster you control. Increase the Level of the selected monster by 1.

ORCS-JP014 Armored Ninja Air 「機甲忍者エアー」
WIND/Warrior - Effect/4/1400/1400
When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned successfully, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 "Ninja" monster you control. Decrease the Level of the selected monster by 1.

ORCS-JP015 Armored Ninja Aqua 「機甲忍者アクア」
WATER/Warrior - Effect/4/800/1600
Activate this effect by removing from play this card in your Graveyard, when an opponent's monster attacks directly and there is another "Ninja" monster in your Graveyard. Negate the attack of that 1 monster.

ORCS-JP016 Armored Ninja Earth 「機甲忍者アース」
EARTH/Warrior - Effec/5/1600/1200
If your opponent controls a monster(s), and you control no monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

ORCS-JP040 CNo. 39, Aspiring Emperor Hope Ray 「CNo.39 希望皇ホープレイ」Ultra/Ultimate/(Holographic?) Rare
LIGHT/Warrior - Xyz - Effect/4/2500/2000
3x Level 4 LIGHT Monster
This card can be Exceeds Summoned by placing a "Number 39: Utopia" you control under this card. If your Life Points are 1000 or less, you can activate this effect by removing 1 of this card's Exceeds Material Monster. Until the End Phase of this turn, this card gains 500 ATK, and 1 monster your opponent controls loses 1000 ATK.

ORCS-JP041 Armored Ninja Blade Heart 「機甲忍者ブレード・ハート」
WIND/Warrior - Xyz - Effect/4/2200/1000
2x Level 4 Warrior-Type Monsters
Once per turn, activate by removing 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card and selecting 1 "Ninja" monster you control. During this turn, the selected monster can attack twice per Battle Phase.

ORCS-JP042 No. 12, Armored Ninja Crimson Shadow 「NO.12 機甲忍者クリムゾン・シャドー」
EARTH/Warrior - Xyz - Effect/5/2400/1700
2x Level 5 Monsters
Once per turn, activate by removing 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card. During this turn, "Ninja" monster you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. This effect can be activated during your opponent's turn.

ORCS-JP045 Gagaga Bolt 「ガガガボルト」
Normal Magic Card
Activate only if you control a "Gagaga" Monster. Select and destroy 1 card on the field.

ORCS-JP047 Full Body Blow「渾身の一撃」
Normal Magic Card
Activate by selecting 1 face-up monster you control. During this turn, the selected monster is not destroyed by battle, and Battle Damage to either player as a result of that monster attacking becomes 0. Also, during this turn, if the selected monster attacks an opponent's monster, destroy that opponent's monster after Damage Calculation.

ORCS-JP065 Gagaga Guard 「ガガガガード」
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when you control 2 or more "Gagaga" monster. During this turn, monster you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.

ORCS-JP0?? Armored Ninjitsu Gold Conversion 「機甲忍法ゴールド・コンバージョン」
Normal Magic Card
Activate only if you control a "Ninjitsu" card. Destroy all "Ninjitsu" Cards you control. Afterwards, draw 2 cards.

ORCS-JP0?? Armored Ninjitsu Freeze Rock 「機甲忍法フリーズ・ロック」ク」
Continuous Trap Card
Activate this set card only when an opponent's monster attacks, and if you control a "Ninja" monster. Negate that attack, and end the Battle Phase. Also, while this card and a "Ninja" Monster remain on your field, all monster your opponent controls cannot change Batte Positions.

ORCS-JP0?? Armored Ninjitsu Last Mist 「機甲忍法ラスト・ミスト」
Continuous Trap Card
When you control a "Ninja" monster and a monster(s) is Special Summoned to your opponent's field, the ATK of that Special Summoned monster(s) is halved.

ORCS-JP04? Inzecter Exabeetle 「甲虫装機 エクサビートル
DARK/Insect - Exceeds - Effect/Rank 6/1000/1000O
2x Level 6 Monster
Effect unconfirmed: When this card is Exceeds Summoned successfully, you can select 1 monster in your or your opponent's Graveyard and equip it treated as an equip card to this card. The ATK and DEF of this card are increased by half of the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster respectively. Also, once per turn, you can remove 1 of this card's Exceeds Material Monster to select each 1 face-up card on your and your opponent's field and send them to the Graveyard.

ORCS-JP018 Inzecter Ameise 「甲虫装機 アーマイゼ」
DARK/Insect - Effect/3/200/600
Effect unconfirmed: Once per turn, you can treat 1 "Inzecter" monster in your hand or your Graveyard as Equip Card and equip it to this card. While this card treated as an Equip Card is equipped, the equipped monster has its Level increased by 3, and its ATK and DEF are increased by the ATK and DEF of this card respectively. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.

ORCS-JP020 Inzecter Damsel「甲虫装機 ダンセル」
DARK/Insect - Effect/3/1000/(???)
Effect unconfirmed: Once per turn, you can treat 1 "Inzecter" monster in your hand or your Graveyard as Equip Card and equip it to this card. [...] a Equip Card equipped to this card is sent to the Graveyard [...] you can Special Summon 1 "Inzecter" Monster other than "Inzecter Damsel" from [...]. Also, while this card treated as Equip Card is equipped, the equipped monster has its Level increased by 3.

ORCS-JP022 Inzecter Gigaweevil 「甲虫装機 ギガウィービル」
DARK/Insect - Effect/6/0/(???)
.Effect unconfirmed: You can equip this card from your hand treated as an Equip Card to 1 "Inzecter" Monster you control. While this card treated as an Equip Card is equipped, the equipped monster's original DEF becomes 2600. Also, if this card equipped to a monster is sent to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Inzecter" Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. You can use the effect of "Inzecter Gigaweevil" only once per turn.

ORCS-JP0(??) Inzecter Hornet 「甲虫装機 ホーネット」
DARK/Insect - Effect/3/500/200
Effect unconfirmed: Once per turn, you can treat 1 "Inzecter" monster in your hand or your Graveyard as Equip Card and equip it to this card. While this card treated as an Equip Card is equipped, the equipped monster has its Level increased by 3, and its ATK and DEF are increased by the ATK and DEF of this card respectively. Also, by sending this equipped card that is treated as an Equip Card to the Graveyard, select 1 card on the field and destroy it.

ORCS-JP053 Armor Blast 「アーマーブラスト」
Normal Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: Activate by selecting 1 "Inzecter" Card you control and 2 face-up Cards your opponent controls. Destroy the selected cards.

ORCS-JP070 Inzecter's Orb 「甲虫装機の宝珠」
Norma Trap Card
Effect unconfirmed: After activation, this card becomes an Equip Card that increases the ATK and DEF by 500 and is equipped to 1 "Inzecter" Monster you control. When 1 "Inzecter" Monster you control becomes the target of a card effect, you can send this card treated as an Equip Card to the Graveyard to negate that effect.

A novidade é o novo archetype para o Insect-Type, os Inzecter, sua temática é baseada em ficar equipando monstros que pertencem a este archetype, sendo que o Inzecter Exabeetle é o primeiro Xyz monster de Rank 6 legalizado ( Queen Nereia the Silvercrown é Xyz de Rank 6, mas é Illegal), agora esperar para ver se a Konami vai dar mais algum UP para este archetype (seria interessante um deck de Insect-Type chega-se ao nível Meta XD), e para quem é Fã de Kamen Rider Kabuto, este archetype foi baseado neste tokusatsu ( E não é a primeira vez que a franquia do Yu-Gi-Oh! faz referencia ao Kamem Rider)
3 Comentários

3 comentários:

  1. Nunca gstei de insetos (só de besouros), tanto no yugioh tanto na vida real. Eu não usaria essas cartas (TALVEZ, só se Deus me iluminasse), mas pode ter certeza que ficou escroto os homens insetos, principalmente essa libelulazinhA

  2. Não sou fã de insetos, mas o Inzecter Exabeetle Ficou com a arte muito boa.

    Prefiro os Armored Ninja já que eles são do meu tipo preferido.

  3. Antes de ler o post até o final (referência a Kamen Rider Kabuto), a primeira coisa que imaginei quando vi o nome "Inzecter Exabeetle" foi Kabuto Zecter, que é o besouro cibernético que o fodástido personagem principal "equipa" no cinturão pro tão conhecido HENSHIN. O engraçado é que na série todos os Riders começam com uma armadura e desequipam a mesma para ficarem mais rápidos com o CLOCK UP(um feito que os deixa tão rápidos que parecem parar o tempo).

    Não vi nada com relação ao tipo union, então, se for pra imitar o Kabuto que usem o efeito de equipar pra encher o campo, assim o CLOCK UP vai funcionar... senão, na minha opinião, o arquétipo só será para fãs. Nem sequer um Vylon versão inseto...
