segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2012

YGOPro Update: 1.02B.0

Olá Amigos ^^

Estou aqui para trazer a vocês uma atualização do YGOPro, a 1.02B.0, acompanhem:

Mudanças nesta versão:
• Atualizações por Fluorohdride (
           • Muitas novas cartas, Abyss Rising incluído;
           • Modo Replay: opção para começar um replay a partir de um turno específico.

• 5435 cartas no total
• Mudanças de nomes de arquetipos em virtude de Return of the Duelist TCG :
            • Magical -> Prophecy
            • Book of Spell -> Spellbook
            • Ooparts -> Chronomaly
• Novos puzzles adicionados;
• Corrigido: cartas com nomes errados;
• Corrigido: artes de cartas Constellar e Evilswarm.

Problemas conhecidos:
• Muitas cartas ainda tem artes antigas (como Chronomaly).

Novas cartas da versão 1.02B.0 (clique em "Mostrar"):

86988864 3-Hump Lacooda
67048711 7
51351302 A Man with Wdjat
88409165 Abyss Warrior
8719957 Abysscale - Kraken
60202749 Abyssphere
34707034 Abyssquall
97697447 Abysstrom
62476197 Achacha Chanbara
62325062 Adhesion Trap Hole
16135253 Agido
61592395 Alma Spellbook
64342551 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3
303660 Amplifier
79649195 Armor Break
22493812 Army Ant Token
55348096 Arsenal Robber
99284890 Avatar of The Pot
9053187 Awakened Brave Warrior - Gagagigo
82705573 Backfire
39892082 Balloon Lizard
22047978 Battle Break
94463200 Battle-Scarred
39507162 Blade Knight
89041555 Blast Held by a Tribute
30653113 Blessings of the Nile
48115278 Block Token
48115277 Blockman
97783659 Blood Sucker
20871001 Blue Medicine
76532077 Bottomless Shifting Sand
58531587 Bubble Bringer
36088082 Bull Blader
59364406 Burning Beast
84740193 Buster Rancher
65743242 Call of the Earthbound
95614612 Cannonball Spear Shellfish
12183332 Card Shuffle
59957503 Cashback
36931229 Castle Gate
44209392 Castle Walls
95841282 Cat's Ear Tribe
97439308 Chaos Greed
69313735 Checkmate
86871615 Clone Token
86871614 Cloning
42541548 Coach Goblin
86801871 Cobra Jar
68057622 Continuous Destruction Punch
48148828 D.D. Crazy Beast
34109611 Daigusto Falcos
78053598 Dark Designator
90980792 Dark Jeroid
35798491 Darkbishop Archfiend
10209545 Decayed Commander
69542930 Dedication through Light and Darkness
8649148 Deep Sweeper
39719977 Delta Attacker
72575145 Demotion
12965761 Des Dendle
93747864 Desert Sunlight
13409151 Desertapir
83241722 Dice Re-Roll
62437430 Different Dimension Trench
95194279 Dimension Distortion
20727787 Disarmament
19612721 Disc Fighter
14771222 Distant Sea Knight
57902462 Divine Knight Ishzark
3493978 Don Turtle
67464807 Dora of Fate
24096228 Double Spell
50045299 Dragon Capture Jar
55763552 Dragon Piper
28563545 Dragon Seeker
32437102 Dragonic Attack
31476755 Dust Barrier
85166216 Elephant Statue of Blessing
12160911 Elephant Statue of Disaster
6103294 Emissary of the Oasis
53136004 Emperor of Prophecy
770365 Empress of Prophecy
20188127 Fairy of the Spring
17653779 Fairy's Hand Mirror
89731911 Familiar Knight
58607704 Fiend's Hand Mirror
73134081 Final Flame
51281878 Fishborg Planter
74168099 Flaming Star Marquis - Hoshin
96864811 Forbidden Garment
34103656 Forgotten Capital Lemuria
85359414 Freezing Beast
12014404 Gagaga Gunman
9583383 Gagaga Kaiser
7512044 Gather Your Mind
30190809 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
425934 Goblin of Greed
97997309 Goethe Spellbook
42868711 Gora Turtle of Illusion
13944422 Granadora
35866404 Grandran
11448373 Grave Protector
35220244 Gravity Blaster
10809984 Great Phantom Thief
34370473 Gryphon's Feather Duster
54359696 Hanged Man of Prophecy
60316373 Heraldic Beast Aberconway
96704018 Heraldic Beast Bernard's Falcon
90743290 Hermit of Prophecy
21924381 Heroic Advance
34143852 Heroic Challenger Extra Sword
61132951 Heroic Challenger Night-Attack Cantera
48009503 Heroic Champion - Gandiva
74593218 Heroic Champion - Kusanagi
95920682 Heroic Gift
61314842 High Medallion Arts
81863068 Hiro's Shadow Scout
38552107 Horn of Light
40343749 Houseduston
13959634 Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace
19847532 Infernal Flame Emperor
17185260 Inferno Hammer
23615409 Insect Barrier
37957847 Insect Princess
95214051 Jade Insect Whistle
33784505 Jar Robber
4869446 Judgment of the Desert
55948544 Judgment of the Pharaoh
26732909 Justice of Prophecy
80441106 Keldo
84814897 Kiryu
60519422 Kishido Spirit
23269426 Last-Moment Alignment
20394040 Lava Battleguard
87010442 Legacy Hunter
99747800 Legendary Fiend
62543393 Lekunga
62543394 Lekunga Token
44595286 Light of Judgment
90790253 Little-Winguard
89521713 Madolche Croiwanssant
23681456 Madolche Happy Festa
26016357 Madolche Marmamaid
52404456 Madolche Messengelato
60470713 Madolche Ticket
96474800 Magic Deflector
22869904 Magic-Power-Induced Explosion
96008713 Magical Arm Shield
91819979 Magical Blast
8794435 Maju Garzett
99597615 Malevolent Nuzzler
43714890 Man-Thro' Tro'
40160226 Mechanical Sea Dragon - Plesion
60080151 Memory of a Rival
69257165 Mental Corruption
24435369 Mermaid Knight
69293721 Mermail - Abyssgunde
96682430 Mermail - Abysshilde
95466842 Mermail - Abysslang
23899727 Mermail - Abysslinde
58471134 Mermail - Abysspike
22076135 Mermail - Abyssturge
74371660 Mermail - Gaioabyss
21954587 Mermail - Megaloabyss
87564935 Metallizing Parasite - Soltite
33114323 Metalsilver Armor
64274292 Meteorain
18190572 Micro Ray
63442605 Mirage Token
9861795 Mogumole
58074572 Mooyan Curry
93671934 Morale Boost
22493811 Multiplication of Ants
11508758 Mutant Mindmaster
40172183 Narrow Pass
88686573 Nimble Angler
20065549 Non-Spellcasting Area
51616747 Nubian Guard
80863132 Null and Void
47387961 Number 8: Heraldic King Genome Heriter
1992816 Number 9: Canopy Star - Dyson Sphere
49221191 Number C32: Shark Drake Vice
56995655 Ominous Fortunetelling
75620895 One-Eyed Skill Gainer
36042825 One-Shot Wand
63120904 Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness
78986941 Order to Charge
39019325 Order to Smash
60577362 Overpowering Eye
42035044 Panther Warrior
42035045 Panther Warrior
63442604 Physical Double
90669991 Pineapple Blast
35429292 Pixie Knight
97526666 Planet Pathfinder
86801872 Poisonous Snake Token
37164373 Queen Madolche Tiaramisu
38723936 Question
25236056 Rare Metal Dragon
7625614 Raregold Armor
82529174 Ray of Hope
31785398 Ready for Intercepting
70821187 Regenerating Mummy
22747316 Retaliation
58641905 Ring of Defense
83258273 Robbin' Zombie
30860696 Rocket Warrior
94793422 Rod of the Mind's Eye
93382620 Rope of Life
46303688 Roulette Barrel
19086954 Second Goblin
1828513 Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien
52097679 Shield Sword
86952477 Shine Knight
76442347 Small Penguin
73659078 Snowdust Giant
15893860 Snowman Creator
33911264 Solar Wind Jammer
84550200 Sonic Jammer
37383714 Soul Rope
76103675 Sparks
42598242 Special Hurricane
29735721 Spell Vanishing
33981008 Spellbook Institute - La Maison
25343280 Spirit of the Pharaoh
4896788 Spirit of the Pot of Greed
92854392 Staunch Defender
17836042 Straggling Force
13955608 Stronghold the Moving Fortress
40453765 Swamp Battleguard
98495314 Sword of Deep-Seated
5371656 Sword of the Soul-Eater
71983925 Talisman of Spell Sealing
19312169 Talisman of Trap Sealing
9831539 Tannhäuser Gate
16469012 Teva
31076103 The First Sarcophagus
84136000 The Grave of Enkindling
1525329 The Hunter with 7 Weapons
66926224 The Law of the Normal
95642274 The Modest Sentry
16430187 The Reliable Guardian
4081094 The Second Sarcophagus
99517131 The Spell Absorbing Life
78697395 The Third Sarcophagus
27618634 The Unhappy Girl
51838385 Theban Nightmare
5703682 Thousand Energy
69196160 Thunder Crash
90337190 Torpedo Fish
3055837 Trap of Board Eraser
79766336 Trap of Darkness
32298781 Triangle Power
2903036 Tribute Doll
75622824 Tricky Spell 4
75622825 Tricky Token
61254509 Tripod Fish
55013285 Troop Dragon
27769400 Tualatin
32240937 Ultimate Obedient Fiend
22431243 Ultra Evolution Pill
95352218 Unification of the Country
60399954 Union Attack
11743119 Union Rider
22056710 Vampire Genesis
46571052 Vampire Orchis
95220856 Vengeful Bog Spirit
10035717 Weapon Change
12965762 Wicked Plant Token
75946257 Witch Doctor of Chaos
57319935 Xyz Fierce Battle!!
16268841 Zolga
47693640 Zombie Tiger

 É pessoal, temos o ABYR (Abyss Rising) OCG nessa nova versão além de muitas correções. Hora de criar decks Madolche, Heroic, Mermail no ADS amigos ^^

 PS! Temos uma seção exclusiva para o ADS (YGOPro) no nosso fórum, AQUI.
2 Comentários

2 comentários:

  1. estou com um problema com meu programa, bem assim ... eu vou abrir para jogar com mais duelistas e da uma mensagem de erro, e se eu fico host o programa simplesmente trava :/ eu gostaria que vcs me ajudassem se não for pedir muito, ja que aqui tem muitos duelistas que entendem bem desse simulador de duelos, des de ja agradeço :|
