TCG - Return of the Duelist |
Por Mestre Kramer: 28/06 15:25 |
Lançamento: Dia 28 de Agosto de 2012!
Return of the Duelist contains 100 cards:
48 Common Cards
20 Rare Cards
14 Super Rare Cards
10 Ultra Rare Cards
8 Secret Rare Cards
Nesse booster teremos:
--- The Power of Prophecy
Return of the Duelist contains 100 cards:
48 Common Cards
20 Rare Cards
14 Super Rare Cards
10 Ultra Rare Cards
8 Secret Rare Cards
Nesse booster teremos:
--- The Power of Prophecy
Os novos Spellcasters com suas Spellbooks!
--- The Machines Are Taking Over!
Os novos Gear estão pegando pesado! Além de ser mais uma ótima família machine, o seu Xyz Gear Gigant X pode ser usado em qualquer deck machine, e está prometendo muitos OTK's nos próximos torneios!
--- These Cards Cannot Be
Agora você poderá ter os artefatos mais famosos da história no seu deck! São os Chronomaly monsters!
--- Snack Time
Faça a festa com os novos Madolche monsters!
--- GX Cards!
Novas cartas para os monstros do GX, os Neo e os Crystal Beasts!
Miracle Contact: Shuffle into the Deck, from your hand, field, or Graveyard, the Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "Elemental HERO" Fusion Monster that lists "Elemental HERO Neos" as a Fusion Material, then Special Summon that Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring the Summoning conditions.
Advanced Dark: All "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field and in both Graveyards become DARK monsters. If a "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon" attacks, negate the effect(s) of the attack target, during the Battle Phase only. During damage calculation, if you would take Battle Damage from a battle involving a "Crystal Beast" monster you control: You can send 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard; the Battle Damage you would receive becomes 0.
--- Bigger Is Better!
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer e Advance Zone!
Advance Zone: This Continuous Spell Card rewards you for Tributing, based on the number of monsters you Tributed for Tribute Summons this turn.
If you Tributed one monster, you can destroy a Set card of your opponent’s.
If you Tributed two monsters, you get the first effect AND you draw a card.
If you Tributed three monsters, you get the previous two effects AND return a monster from your Graveyard to your hand.
Advanced Dark que maravilha *-*
ResponderExcluirChronamaly = dafu? (que dorgas os americanos usaram)
ResponderExcluire pudding ultra Rare= WTF? (é mais uma das cartas que eu me matava se eu tirar no Pack)
Mas viva Miracle no TCG =), a Spell exclusiva é boa,m as por ser continua não vai ser útil em frognarch.
gostei que vai vir o Number 6, e essa ultima spell de tribute, uow, é muito boa heim