Duel Terminal 13 - Star Knights Sacred |
Por Lucasmon: 23/09 18:35 |
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遊戯王DUEL TERMINAL「星の騎士団 セイクリッド!!」
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Terminal 13 - Star Knights Sacred!! (DT13-JP)
Data de lançamento: Outubro de 2011
Preço (por jogo): 100 yen (incluindo taxa)
50 Cards in total (30 new, 20 reprints)
All Parallel Rare
- O início do tema "Sacred" , e a estreia de novas séries de monster.
- Inclui Reprints de cards dificeis de se conseguir .
DT13-JP001 Gogogo Golem 「ゴゴゴゴーレム」
DT13-JP002 Big Jaws 「ビッグ・ジョーズ」
DT13-JP003 Daybreaker 「デイブレイカー」
DT13-JP004 Amazoness Chain Master 「アマゾネスの鎖使い」
DT13-JP005 Honest 「オネスト」
DT13-JP006 Neospacian Grand Mole 「N・グラン・モール」
DT13-JP007 Bolt Hedgehog 「ボルト・ヘッジホッグ」
DT13-JP008 Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity 「機皇帝ワイゼル∞」
DT13-JP009 White Horns Dragon 「ホワイト・ホーンズ・ドラゴン」
DT13-JP010 Blizzard Dragon 「ブリザード・ドラゴン」
DT13-JP011 Mezuki 「馬頭鬼」
DT13-JP012 Demon Roar God Rave 「魔轟神レイヴン」
DT13-JP013 XX-Saber Faultroll 「XX-セイバー フォルトロール」
Gemknight Sanyx 「ジェムナイト・サニクス」
Laval Frogis 「ラヴァル・フロギス」
Ritua Avance 「リチュア・アバンス」
Gusta Grif 「ガスタ・グリフ」
Sacred Sheratan 「セイクリッド・シェラタン」
Sacred Dabaran 「セイクリッド・ダバラン」
Sacred Gredi 「セイクリッド・グレディ」
Sacred Pollux 「セイクリッド・ポルクス」
Sacred Escha「セイクリッド・エスカ」
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/5/2100/1400
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can add 1 "Sacred" monster from your deck to the hand.
Sacred Spica 「セイクリッド・スピカ」
LIGHT/Angel - Effect/5/2300/1600
When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, Special Summon 1 Level 5 "Sacred" monster from your hand in face-up Defense Position.
Verz Heliolope 「ヴェルズ・ヘリオロープ」
Normal Monster
Verz Zahhak 「ヴェルズ・ザッハーク」
DARK/Dragon - Effect/4/1850/850
When this face-up card on the field is destroyed by your opponent and sent to the Graveyard, you can select 1 face-up Level 5 or higher Special Summoned monster on the field and destroy it.
Verz Kaitos 「ヴェルズ・カイトス」
Verz Olanta 「ヴェルズ・オランタ」
Verz Mandrago 「ヴェルズ・マンドラゴ」
Verz Frais 「ヴェルズ・フレイス」
DT13-JP030 Black Luster Soldier「カオス・ソルジャー」
Eviritua Levianima 「イビリチュア・リヴァイアニマ」
DT13-JP032 Chimeratech Over Dragon「キメラテック・オーバー・ドラゴン」
Gemknight Zirconia 「ジェムナイト・ジルコニア」
DT13-JP034 Nr.39 Aspiring Emperor, Hope「No.39 希望皇ホープ
Lavalball Chain 「ラヴァルバル・チェイン」
Daigusta Emeral 「ダイガスタ・エメラル」
Sacred Hyades 「セイクリッド・ヒアデス」
LIGHT/Beast-Warrior - Exceeds/Rank 3/1900/1100
2x Level 3 LIGHT Monster
Once per turn, activate this effect by removing 1 Exceeds Material Monster from this card. Change all monster your opponent controls to face-up Defense Position.
Sacred Pleiades 「セイクリッド・プレアデス」
LIGHT/Warrior - Exceeds - Effect/Rank 5/2500/1500
2x Level 5 LIGHT Monsters
Once per turn, you can remove 1 of this card Exceeds Material Monster from this card to select and return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand. This effect can be activated during your opponent's turn.
Verz Nightmare 「ヴェルズ・ナイトメア」
Dark/Demon - Exceeds - Effects/Rank 4/950/1950
2x Level 4 DARK Monster
When an opponent's monster is Special Summoned, you can remove 1 Exceeds Material Monster from this card to change that Special Summoned monster to face-down Defense Position.
Verz Bahamut 「ヴェルズ・バハムート」
DARK/Dragon - Exceeds - Effect/Rank 4/2350/1350
2x Level 4 "Verz" Monster
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Exceeds Material Monster from this card and selecting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Discard 1 "Verz" monster from your hand and gain control over the selected monster.
DT13-JP041 Black Luster Ritual 「カオスの儀式」
DT13-JP042 Overload Fusion 「オーバーロード・フュージョン」
Sweltering Heat Transmission Field 「炎熱伝導場」
Magic Card
Ritua's Duplicate Soul Mirror 「リチュアの写魂鏡」
Magic Card
Star Stigma of the Sacred 「セイクリッドの星痕」
Continuous Magic Card
When a "Sacred" Exceeds Monster is successfully Special Summoned to your field, you can draw 1 card. This effect can only be used once per turn.
DT13-JP046 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow 「くず鉄のかかし」
DT13-JP047 Gottoms' Emergency Call 「ガトムズの緊急指令」
Magic Stone Fusion 「魔石融合」
Trap Card
Gusta's Dust 「ガスタの風塵」
Trap Card
Invasive Corrosion Infection 「侵略の侵食感染」
Continuous Trap Card
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by returning 1 "Verz" monster from your hand or that you control to the deck. Add 1 "Verz" monster from your Deck to your hand.
Neste Terminal foi apresentado mais 2 novos archetype, os "Sacred" e os "Verz",que substituíram, respectivamente, o archetype "Vylon" e o "Steelswarm", o interessante é que parece que os efeitos que afetam os "Verz" também vão afetar os "Steelswarm", pois no OCG eles são chamados de "Inverz". Caso alguém queira usar um Deck focado em um dos 2 "archetype" novos, as cartas que já tiveram as suas características confirmadas estão disponíveis no Dueling Network.
o verz parece q vai dar uma melhorada legal nos inverz ou steelswarn esses sacred parece q sao "usaveis" sozinhos , mas eh sempre bem vindo archetypes novos adoro novidades mto bao konami.
ResponderExcluirps.: adorei esse verz dragon xyz mas poderia ser melhor vamos ver se vao lançar mais suportes para os archetypes!
Também adorei o Dragão Verz (uma das melhores artes do jogo), se bem que esta restrição é o que "mata" ele, mas em compensação, o efeito dele é um pouco "roubado". Se ao invés de necessitar de somente "Verz" como XYZ material e discartar, e usar qualquer monstro de atributo "Dark" no lugar, pode de que este bicho iria ser abusado em "Dark World" deck.