Structure Deck 21 -Devil's Gate- |
Por Jão: 18/04 22:17 |
Yoo Minaa o/
Blz ?
Mais algumas cartas reveladas do Structure Deck 21. Antes de mais nada, vejam:
Structure Deck 21 -Devil's Gate- 「STRUCTURE DECK -デビルズ・ゲート-」
Data de Lançamento: 18 de Junho de 2011
Preço: 1,050 Yen (imposto incluso)
- 40 cartas (5 cartas novas)
- Rule Book
- Playing Guide
- Duel Field
- Inclui cartas Fiend-Type da série "Dark World".
- Encontre novos monstros Fiend-Type juntamente com cartas de suporte para combos poderosos.
- Também vai incluir muitos Reprints.
SD21-JP001 Grapha, Dragon God of the Dark World 「暗黒界の龍神 グラファ」
DARK/Fiend - Effect/8/2700/1800
You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard by returning 1 face-up "Dark World" Monster other than a "Grapha, Dragon God of the Dark World" you control to your hand. If this card is discarded by a card effect from the hand to the Graveyard, select 1 card your opponent controls and destroy it. If this card is discarded by an opponent's card effect, also look at 1 random card in your opponent's hand. If the selected card is a Monster Card, you can Special Summon that monster to your field.
SD21-JP002 Snow, Magician of the Dark World 「暗黒界の術師 スノウ」
DARK/Fiend - Effect/4/1700/0
If this card is discarded by a card effect from the hand to the Graveyard, add 1 "Dark World" Card from your deck to your hand. If this card is discarded by an opponent's card effect, you can also select 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard and Special Summon it to your field in face-up Defense Position.
SD21-JP003 Ceruli, Monk of the Dark World 「暗黒界の導師 セルリ」
DARK/Fiend - Effect/1/100/300
If this card is discarded by a card effect from the hand to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card to your opponent's Field in face-up Defense Position. When this card is successfully Special Summoned by the effect of a "Dark World" Card, your opponent selects 1 card in their hand and discards it.
SD21-JP0(??) Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World「暗黒界の尖兵 ベージ」
SD21-JP0(??) Broww, Huntsman of Dark World「暗黒界の狩人 ブラウ」
SD21-JP0(??) Tragoedia 「トラゴエディア」
SD21-JP0(??) Belial, Marquis of Darkness 「闇の侯爵ベリアル」
SD21-JP0(??) Darkness Neosphere 「ダークネス・ネオスフィア」
SD21-JP0(??) Gate of the Dark World 「暗黒界の門」
Field Magic Card
{Effect unconfirmed: Face-up Demon-Type monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Demon-Type Monster in your Graveyard from play to select and discard 1 Demon-Type Monster from your hand. Afterwards, draw 1 card.}
SD21-JP0(??) Dark World Lightning 「暗黒界の雷」
SD21-JP0(??) Dealings of the Dark World 「暗黒界の取引」
SD21-JP0(??) Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」
SD21-JP0(??) Strategy of the Dark 「暗黒の謀略」
Normal Trap Card
Each player selects 2 cards in their hand and discards them, then draws 2 cards from their deck. Your opponent can negate the effect of this card by discarding 1 card.
SD21-JP0(??) Dark Bribe 「魔宮の賄賂」
Não gostei das cartas do Devil's Gate. Sinceramente, esperava muito mais dos novos Monstros do respeitado arquetipo Dark World.
Por hora é só yugiohzeiros o/
eitah mah! pelo jeito vc num percebeu a apelação q dah pra fazer com esse bichim XD
ResponderExcluirda pra fazer muita apelação mesmo, eu tenho jogado com dark world no Dueling Network lá as novas cartas já estão disponiveis, já derotei decks como dragunity,gravkeper etc. de todos os decks que contra quem eu duelei o unico que venceu foi Legendary six, esse deck promete,mau posso esperar pra
ResponderExcluircomprar logo 3 copias do structure e fazer o deck, e ainda com aqules 2 xyz rank 5 que vãi sair em generation force, bom dark world vira meta
Uau, Gate of the Dark World arrebenta :D