sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008

Structure Deck 16: Lord of the Magicians

SD 16: Lord of the Magicians

08/11 23:53

Nome: Structure Deck 16: Lord of the Magicians
Nome Japonês: STRUCTURE DECK -ロード・オブ・マジシャン-

Lançamento Oriente: 13 de Dezembro de 2008
Preço: 1050 Iene (Em média R$28,00)

Cada caixa de deck contém 40 cartas.

O baralho tem como tema Spellcasters é construído idealmente para essa época.
Incluindo muitas antigas cartas Spellcasters de difícil acesso.

1x 40 Cartas (5 Novas (1 Ultra Rare, 2 Super Rare))
1x Livro de Regras
1x Guia de duelo
1x Campo de Duelo

SD16-JP001 Divine Magician Deity Endymion 「神聖魔導王エンディミオン」 (Ultra Rare)
SD16-JP002 Saint Des Enchanter 「聖なる解呪師」 (Super Rare)
SD16-JP003 Mage Knight Defender 「魔導騎士 ディフェンダー」 (Super Rare)
SD16-JP004 Hannibal Necromancer
SD16-JP005 Silent Magician LV4
SD16-JP006 Silent Magician LV8
SD16-JP007 Summon Priest 「召喚僧サモンプリースト」
SD16-JP008 Dark Red Enchanter 「闇紅の魔導師」
SD16-JP009 Skilled White Magician
SD16-JP010 Skilled Dark Magician
SD16-JP011 Apprentice Magician
SD16-JP012 Old Vindictive Magician
SD16-JP013 Magical Marionette
SD16-JP014 Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブレイカー」
SD16-JP015 Magical Plant Mandragola
SD16-JP016 Royal Magical Library
SD16-JP017 Blast Magician
SD16-JP018 Mythical Beast Cerberus
SD16-JP019 Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers
SD16-JP020 Crystal Seer
SD16-JP021 Magical City Endymion 「魔法都市エンディミオン」
SD16-JP022 Mana Seize 「魔力掌握」
SD16-JP023 Magicians Unite
SD16-JP024 Mist Body
SD16-JP025 Giant Trunade
SD16-JP026 Fissure
SD16-JP027 Mage Power
SD16-JP028 Terraforming
SD16-JP029 Mega Ton Magical Cannon
SD16-JP030 Magical Blast
SD16-JP031 Magical Dimension
SD16-JP032 Twister
SD16-JP033 Magician's Circle 「マジシャンズ・サークル」
SD16-JP034 Pitch-Black Power Stone
SD16-JP035 Hidden Book of Spell
SD16-JP036 Anti-Spell
SD16-JP037 Tower of Babel
SD16-JP038 Magic Cylinder
SD16-JP039 Black Horn of Heaven
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