quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007

Infernity Deck

Nome do Personagem: Kyosuke Kiryu
Nome do Deck: Infernity Deck
Tipo de Deck: Riding Duel

Effect Monsters:
Earthbound God, Ccapac Apu
Infernity Beast
Infernity Demon
Infernity Destroyer
Infernity Dwarf
Infernity Guardian
Infernity Necromancer
Dark Tuner Monsters:
DT - Nightmare Hand
Dark Synchro Monsters:
One-Hundred Eyes Dragon

Normal Spell:
Sp - Power Baton
Field Spell:
Speed World

Normal Trap:
Damage Translation
Impulse of Limit
Infernity Force
Continuous Trap:
Demonic Devastation
Depth Amulet
Glowing Image of the Guardian God
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